Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries


Chemically active and neutral liquids with a density of no more than 1850 kg / m3, viscosity up to 30x10-6 m2 / s, containing solid inclusions up to 1 mm in size, the volume concentration of which does not exceed 1.5%. The temperature of the pumped liquid is from 233 to 393 K (-40 to +120 C).


Chemically active and neutral liquids with a density of no more than 1850kg / m3, viscosity up to 30x10-6 m2 / s, containing solid inclusions up to 1 mm in size, the volume concentration of which does not exceed 1.5%. The temperature of the pumped liquid is from 233 to 393 K (-40 to +120 C).


Designed for pumping liquid ammonia in refrigeration units with a temperature from -45 C to +25 C, with an admixture of XA-30 oil no more than 4% by volume, with the presence of non-abrasive inclusions of a mass fraction of no more than 0.2% with a size of parts up to 0.2 mm. The electric pump is manufactured in an explosion-proof version with the marking 1ExdsIIBT4 X according to GOST 12.2.020-76, in the climatic version OM, placement category 5 (GOST 15150-69) according to technical documentation.

BEN-94 and BEN-95

Electric pumps are manufactured in explosion-proof design with the marking IExdsIICT4 according to GOST 12.2.020-76, climatic design In the placement category 2 according to GOST 15150-69. A feature of the pump is the presence of a mechanical seal in them, separating the pump part from the cavity of the built-in electric motor, to prevent mechanical impurities from entering the bearings. Lubrication of bearings and cooling of the electric motor are carried out by a pure liquid with a temperature of no more than 30 C, supplied through the internal cavity of the electric motor from an outside source.


The electric pump is manufactured in climatic version U, placement category 2 according to GOST 15150-69. The pressure in the electric pump circuit is up to 6.18 MPa. The electric pump is connected to the pipeline with the suction pipe upwards.


The electric pump is manufactured in an explosion-proof design with the marking IExdsllBT4 X. The climatic version of the accommodation category 2 according to GOST 15150-69. The electric pump is a monoblock consisting of an engine and a single-stage pumping part with a guide device and an annular outlet. Lubrication and cooling of bearings and the engine is carried out by the pumped liquid. A feature of the electric pump is the presence of a pre-connected screw, which provides a reduced permissible cavitation reserve of the pump.

BEN-258 and BEN-259

The electric pump is manufactured in an explosion-proof version with the marking IExdsllBT4, climatic version Y, placement category 2 according to GOST 15150-69. Structurally, electric pumps consist of an integrated electric motor and a multistage centrifugal pump, the stages of which are located on both sides of the engine.


Chemically active and neutral liquids with a density of no more than 1850kg/m3, containing solid inclusions in an amount of no more than 0.1% by volume with a particle size of no more than 0.2 mm, kinematic viscosity up to 30x10-6 m2/s. The temperature of the pumped liquid is from 233 to 393 K (-40 to +120 C).


Chemically active liquids with a density of no more than 1500 kg / m3 containing solid inclusions up to 0.2 mm in size, the volume concentration of which does not exceed 0.1% and the rate of penetration of corrosion into the material of the flow part does not exceed 0.1 mm / year.. Kinematic viscosity - no more than 30x10-6 m2/s. The pressure at the inlet to the electric pump is not more than 0.35 MPa (3.5 kgf / cm2). The temperature of the pumped liquid is from 233 to 393 K (-40 to +120 C).


Chemically active and neutral liquids with a density of no more than 1850kg/m3, with a volume concentration of solid inclusions up to 0.1%, kinematic viscosity up to 3x10-5 m2/s, temperature from -40 to +90 C. The HP 2/30 pump is designed for pumping liquids from small sealed or open tanks. The pump can pump water, alcohol, alkaline solutions, antifreeze and other liquids that do not contain mechanical impurities, in which alloy steel of type "K" does not corrode, with temperatures from -20 to +50 C.


Centrifugal hermetic pumps are designed for pumping liquids in stationary conditions, vapors and gases of which can form explosive mixtures with air. Liquids can be neutral, aggressive and harmful. The specific heat capacity of the pumped liquids should be at least 2.51x103 J / (kg * k). In the pumped liquids, the presence of solid non-abrasive inclusions up to 0.2 mm in size, the mass fraction of which does not exceed 0.2%, is allowed.



The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant SAMARAPROMKOMPLEKT: pumps, electric motors, fans, transformers, rectifiers, semi-automatic machines, installations for air-plasma cutting
    Dosing pumps
    ND, NDR, etc.
    Water pumps
    BCP, VC, ECV, etc.
  • Pumps for petroleum products SAMARAPROMKOMPLEKT
    Pumps for petroleum products
    SCL, BG, NDV, etc.
  • Air-plasma cutting SAMARAPROMKOMPLEKT
    Air-plasma cutting
    UVPR , etc.
  • Semi - automatic machines SAMARAPROMKOMPLEKT
    Semi - automatic machines
    PDG, PDGO, SOROKA, etc.
    Chemical pumps
    AH, AHP, BEN, etc.
    Vacuum pumps
    VVN et al .
  • Electric motors SAMARAPROMKOMPLEKT
    Electric motors
    AIR, AIM-M, VAR, etc.
    VC, VO, BP, etc.
    TDM , etc .
    VD, VDG, VDU, etc.


SAMARAPROMKOMPLEKT company (Samara) was founded in 1998 as a commercial enterprise in the market of industrial equipment.

    An integral part of the company's mission is to improve the quality of products delivered on time and in compliance with warranty obligations.
  • safety

    The manufactured products have a certificate of conformity and a permit for use at hazardous production facilities of the oil and gas industry.
  • reliability

    The main customers of the company today are enterprises of the oil and gas production, oil refining industry, fuel and energy complex and housing and communal services.


Learn more about our products SAMARAPROMKOMPLEKT.
  • Questionnaire for pumps поставщика САМАРАПРОМКОМПЛЕКТ
    Questionnaire for pumps


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